Mental Emotional Release Therapy TM (MER)
1. What is Mental Emotional Release Therapy TM (MER)?
Answer: Mental Emotional Release Therapy is an NLP technique for instantly releasing unwanted emotions, fears, anxiety and limiting beliefs so you can live with more peace and happiness. NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming and is a tool that Anthony Robbins and many effective success coaches use to help people make breakthroughs quickly. There are many tools under NLP. MER is one of tools I have found to be highly effective in releasing unwanted emotions, fears and limiting beliefs instantly.
Answer: Mental Emotional Release Therapy is an NLP technique for instantly releasing unwanted emotions, fears, anxiety and limiting beliefs so you can live with more peace and happiness. NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming and is a tool that Anthony Robbins and many effective success coaches use to help people make breakthroughs quickly. There are many tools under NLP. MER is one of tools I have found to be highly effective in releasing unwanted emotions, fears and limiting beliefs instantly.
2. What is the session like?
Answer: You will be seated comfortably and guided to the source of the emotional issue and release the unwanted emotions, fears or limiting beliefs. The session is interactive. I guide you to do the releasing and healing in a positive and loving manner. It is safe, easy and effective. You are in control and aware the whole time. You can choose to release the unwanted emotion or keep it. The release happens quickly and you can feel better before the session is over. Many clients felt a weight had been lifted off them when the session ended.
Answer: You will be seated comfortably and guided to the source of the emotional issue and release the unwanted emotions, fears or limiting beliefs. The session is interactive. I guide you to do the releasing and healing in a positive and loving manner. It is safe, easy and effective. You are in control and aware the whole time. You can choose to release the unwanted emotion or keep it. The release happens quickly and you can feel better before the session is over. Many clients felt a weight had been lifted off them when the session ended.
3. Can I get MER service is I have never been hypnotized before?
Answer: Yes. MER is an NLP technique which does not require being hypnotized. As long as you are willing to be guided and willing to release the unwanted emotion, you can benefit from MER.
4. Does it really work?
Answer: Yes, it does. I have used MER on many clients and everyone has had solid result. Because we go to the original source of the issue and release it from there, the issue is gone. After the session, we test your result to make sure the issue is gone for good.
Answer: Yes. MER is an NLP technique which does not require being hypnotized. As long as you are willing to be guided and willing to release the unwanted emotion, you can benefit from MER.
4. Does it really work?
Answer: Yes, it does. I have used MER on many clients and everyone has had solid result. Because we go to the original source of the issue and release it from there, the issue is gone. After the session, we test your result to make sure the issue is gone for good.
Case study 1: A client was feeling she was not good enough and therefore was unable to pursue a her dream. During the MER session she discovered that when she was a little girl she made a mistake and her father's reaction made her feel bad about herself. We released the emotion and instilled confidence and self-love in her. Afterward she felt good about pursuing her dream and began taking steps towards it.
Case study 2: A gifted client felt fearful about becoming a healer. During her MER session, she discovered that in a past life she was a healer and she was unable to save someone in her community. Even though she knew the patient was beyond help, she still felt terrible that she could not save her. This caused her not to want to be a healer again because she was afraid of not being able to help everyone. She released the fear and limiting belief from this event, She was able to see that this life is different from the past and accepted her gifts. Afterward she felt good about sharing her healing gifts with other people and started the path toward being a healer to the public.
Click here for a more thorough description of MER from
Click here to read the article “Efficacy Study of Mental Emotional Release® Therapy (aka Time Empowerment®) for Depressive Disorders” by Dr. Patrick Ross Scott.
Click here for a more thorough description of MER from
Click here to read the article “Efficacy Study of Mental Emotional Release® Therapy (aka Time Empowerment®) for Depressive Disorders” by Dr. Patrick Ross Scott.
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CLICK HERE OR CALL (562) 774-1889
to get a free 15 min, no-obligation consultation with Certified Hypnotherapist Mee Vaj to answer your questions and learn if hypnotherapy is right for you before booking your appointment.